Monday, December 7, 2009

Breaking Point

One of my coworkers causes me so much anxiety that I left a staff meeting literally shaking with anger. Every word out of my mouth is met with a snide remark from him. I can't say anything in front of him without him trying to tear me down.

This is not an ideal work environment for me. His office is right next door and every time he comes into my office I clutch my desk... holding my breath as I wait for him to verbally antagonize me.

I usually can get through the day by just reminding myself that he is a miserable person and I am far happier than he could ever be with such a dark heart. Nothing he can say can take away the joy and love in my life. His only power is over my work environment. And that? He has taken captive and tormented for years now.

I went to my boss today, my voice shaking and very dangerously close to the dreaded "work cry." She's going to talk to him "again."

I'm sure that will only make me an even more desirable target for his hatred. But what else can I do besides look for a new job? (Which I am already doing...)

Please help me get through the remainder of my career at this job without totally losing it, God. I used to really like it here. I pray for the day that I will never have to see the face of my tormenter again.

1 comment:

  1. I used to have a coworker like this - the only difference in my situation was my boss hated me and liked him. It was a really messed up situation in which he had been fired previously, but she brought him back when she came in and took over, and it created a living hell for me. I used to go home every night and just cry, and cry, and cry. I got a new job, and I could not have been happier. I hated that man for years after I left the old place.

    I saw him once out in public, and I hid from him, but looked on to him from my hiding spot. I realized what an absolutely miserable life he must lead, and as I looked around at my family that I was out with, I smiled to myself, and was finally at peace for what had been thrown at me at my workplace for years.

    I hope you come to terms and find peace soon as well (and I also hope you find a better job too!).
